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Process introduction:

An interdigital electrode is a periodic pattern of fingers or combs used to generate electric fields associated with material samples and sensitive coatings. This kind of electrode is manufactured through an electrochemical process to form an ultra-fine circuit and is widely used in non-destructive testing, electronic communications, chemical testing and other fields.

Process application materials:

Ceramic electrodes, flexible electrodes, silicon-based electrodes, porous gold modified electrodes.

Process capabilities:

Various substrates: glass, quartz, silicon, sapphire, PET and PI:

Different sizes: 2, 4, 6 inches:

Different line width and spacing: minimum line width 700nm

Logarithmic and interdigital materials: Ti, Al, Ni, Au, Ag, Cr, Pt, Cu, etc.

The interdigital electrode sensor mainly includes four structural parameters, which are: the number of pairs of electrodes, the width, the distance between adjacent interdigitals, and the thickness of the electrode. These four parameters have a great impact on the key performance indicators of biochemical sensors based on interdigital electrodes.